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Entries by Sarah Cryder

Making the Most of Summer

City Kids kicked off its 2020 virtual summer program season with a Zoom ceremony on Saturday, June 13th that gave an overview of upcoming virtual Summer Programs and honored our graduating Seniors JETs (12th grade participants). We reviewed all the amazing programs completed in-person and virtually during the school year in DC and then covered […]

An Executive Transition and a Look to the Future

At the end of last month, we marked Eloise Russo’s departure from City Kids after 10 years of service to the organization. Our programs, staff and systems thrived under her guidance and  we are so grateful for the clear vision, charismatic leadership and ability to sustain and grow City Kids over the course of the […]

Anti-Racism Resources

Ways to take action to support the Black community: Educate yourself; call your communities to this work; listen to Black voices; donate to Black-led organizations and movements; and stay updated and engaged.


City Kids leverages DC and WY guidance and feedback from participant families to make tough decisions on summer programming.