Author Archive for: City Kids

Entries by City Kids

Program Connects At-Risk Kids with Nature

Thomas Jones, 17, is an inner-city kid who, statistically, had a greater chance of dropping out of high school or getting shipped off to prison than he had of summiting a 13,000-foot peak in Grand Teton National Park in Wyoming. Yet despite the odds, Jones found himself climbing the Grand Teton peak this summer as […]

GET OUT: Mountain Medicine

As I sat there with tears in my eyes I couldn’t find anything to say to my teammates, people who were now my family. We had made it so far but I was ready to retrace every grueling step back down.

City Kids Learn Life Lessons

It’s your first time in Jackson. You step off the plane, gawking at your surroundings. Then what? “I looked up at the sky, I looked up at all the stars,” Martinae Irving said. “In D.C. what you think is a star is really just a plane.”

Watch City Kids on the Food Network!

Holiday: Impossible – For the holidays, Chef Robert Irvine is heading west to Jackson Hole, Wyo. to visit the City Kids Wilderness Project, a camp in the heart of the Grand Teton Mountains that welcomes at-risk teens from the inner city of Washington, D.C.

City Kids Featured in JH Style Magazine – 2015

Spotlight on Nonprofits Every summer, kids from Washington D.C.’s most vulnerable communities come out to Jackson for an experiential program that teaches them valuable skills and provides inspiration and encouragement to follow their dreams. Students join the program in sixth grade and participate in school year programs in D.C. as well as Jackson-based summer programs. […]