City Kids’ Core Values are the principals we use to guide our work. From our programming to making decisions for the future of the organization, these five values are incorporated into everything we do.
“From my experience of getting to appreciate the environment with backpacking, kayaking, rock climbing and simply hiking, I find that there is so much more to life than technology. Placing yourself in spaces that are bigger than you and without cell service made me realize the connection between individuals does exist. It also made me realize how uplifted I was…being in the wild kept me so elated and thrilled, especially to wake up because I was surrounded by vast mountains, flat lands, colorful eolian caves, and peers I could have conversations with.”
– Naimah, City Kids Class of 2023
message from our executive director
Dear Friends,
This year, I’ve been reflecting on days past. It was a time when community used to form so naturally – through joining a local organization, an afterschool program, a sports team, or a place of workshop. In fact, my fondest childhood memories are when I was “joining” something, of my own accord or at the encouragement of others. From soccer teams to summer camps to student government, I “opted in” to it all. And, it was (and continues to be) in these spaces of genuine connection that we discover shared experiences, cultivate an appreciation for differences, and learn what it truly means to belong — to ourselves and others.
Today, despite opportunities adolescents have to join communities in and outside of school, we are seeing unprecedented levels of loneliness and isolation. The default choices have shifted away from social ties — for us all.
At City Kids, we’ve spent the past year addressing this by thoughtfully redesigning our programs to re-engage participants and families. Our focus has been on creating intentional spaces where people gather in-person, in shared outdoor spaces, and are welcomed into a community. Two core values have guided us in this work: Connection and Joy. This Annual Report shares the story of what is possible when youth are given opportunities for enrichment and challenge in an environment that embraces playfulness, fun, and genuine connection.
Thank you for joining us in our efforts to Build Resiliency, Broaden Horizons, Cultivate Community, and Develop Skills for Success in DC youth. Your contributions are helping to provide opportunities for youth to center joy and connection with each other, positive adults, and the treasured recreational lands they utilize in both DC and Jackson Hole. Thank you for opting to restitch social and community ties for DC’s inspiring youth.
Sarah Cryder
Executive Director
“Our focus has been on creating intentional spaces where people gather in-person, in shared outdoor spaces, and are welcomed into a community. Two core values have guided us in this work: Connection and Joy.”
Did you know?
Wards 7 & 8 are historically the most underinvested communities in DC with the least access to out-of-school-time (OST) activities. Only 35% of the OST need is being met in Wards 7 & 8, by existing programs (DC Policy Center’s OST Needs Assessment, 2023).
of youth showed meaningful gains in one or more core Social Emotional Learning (SEL) capacities that contribute to academic success, career readiness, and long-term well-being.
SEL capacities include: self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making.
of seniors graduated from high school and enrolled in college, military, vocational training or entered the workforce after completing the City Kids program.
DC’s High School Graduation Rate: 76%.
of youth feel their experiences with City Kids encouraged them to find new opportunities in life.
(Center for American Progress, 2020)
At City Kids, we have long recognized the transformative power of the outdoors and the restorative benefits that time in nature provides for one’s health, creativity, and relationships. Our outdoor adventure programming has empowered hundreds of youth to cultivate lifelong skills, build confidence, and foster resilience.
(National Institute of Health, 2023)
In a post-pandemic world, our modern lives are shifting dramatically indoors and the stark effects of isolation are evident. Today’s youth grapple with unprecedented levels of loneliness, with digital screens often replacing genuine, meaningful connections that are essential for healthy development.
(Harvard University, Carnegie Foundation, and Stanford Research Center)
At the core of our approach is fostering connection—to oneself and to others—using the wilderness as a powerful environment to nurture Social Emotional Learning (SEL) and community. Skills such as self-awareness, self-regulation and empathy are foundational not only for academic success and career readiness, but long-term wellbeing. This journey of self-discovery and growth is at the heart of why we do what we do—empowering youth to thrive today and into the future.
DQ & DK, Ranger Canoe Trip on Jackson Lake, WY
Our program is based around three core principles: long-term youth engagement, outdoor adventure and experiential education programming, and goal setting with a focus on future planning. Youth develop a positive self-identity by overcoming challenges, building strong relationships with peers and adult mentors, and exploring personal possibilities.
Small Long-Term Cohorts
From trekking through the wilderness to navigating friendships, 20-25 youth undertake every journey together from 6th-12th grade.
Strengths-Based Curriculum
Our robust and culturally-competent curriculum is grounded in the foundation of Positive Youth Development principles and Social Emotional Learning.
Experiential Programs
From Wyoming to Washington DC, we offer unique outdoor experiences that serve as a classroom for adventure and self-discovery.
BIPOC Affinity Space
We are an affinity space for BIPOC youth to explore outdoor spaces in a community that centers, celebrates, and uplifts BIPOC stories, voices, and experiences.
Commitment to Accessibility
By eliminating cost barriers such as expensive gear, permits, and travel requirements, we create life-changing experiences at no cost to youth and families.
6th Grade
be courageous
Staff recruit sixth grade youth attending DC public schools. During this applicant period, City Kids is looking for a child’s willingness to try new things; their cohesion with other youth, and a general excitement about the outdoors. Out of the 50+ youth applying to the program, 21 youth are selected.
Outdoor Adventures Include
• 4 Month Application Process including Camping Overnight Trips (DC)
• First Summer at Broken Arrow Ranch (WY)
• Car Camping in Yellowstone National Park and Overnight Canoe Trip in Grand Teton National Park (WY)
7th Grade
be compassionate
Beginning with summer camp in Jackson, first year participants broaden their world view by experiencing a new place away from home. As the school year begins, a strong focus on using local, outdoor spaces to set goals, try new things, increase self-knowledge, and appreciate other people and experiences. This prepares youth to apply what they have learned at City Kids inside and outside of school.
Outdoor Adventures Include
8th Grade
be excellent
In their 3rd year in the program, participants spend longer amounts of time in the backcountry, allowing them to deepen their hard skills mastery, connection to the wild spaces & connection to one another.
Outdoor Adventures Include
9th Grade
find your
personal power
In their fourth & final year of camper programming, participants explore their own agency in creating positive change in their communities through a week of social justice activities & conversations. They finish their session with new personal & group challenges – outdoor rock climbing and whitewater kayaking.
Outdoor Adventures Include
10th-12th Grade
create your vision
Year-round training opportunities lay the foundation for transferable job skills, and future-focused planning provides youth with a clear road map after high school.
JET Opportunities Include
City Kids
Alumni receive check-ins and support for at least two years after completing the program and are eligible for:
Anthony D. Anderson Found His Voice at City Kids
Ranger Year 2009
Operatic Baritone, Master of Music from the University of Maryland
Anthony has performed on the Today show, was featured in The Washington Post for his performance at The National Mall, and recently performed at the White House. He remains an involved and valued member of the City Kids community.
“Growing up in City Kids was one of the most transformative experiences of my life. It gave me opportunities that I never thought possible and introduced me to a community that was deeply invested in my growth, not just as a student, but as a person.
City Kids didn’t just teach me survival skills in the outdoors, it taught me life skills. I learned resilience, leadership, and the importance of mentorship. Most importantly, I learned to trust in my own voice, to believe in my dreams, and to understand that with the right support, anything is possible. I jumped into an unknown hoping that a net would appear and hold me up, and it did. I found that if you embrace your potential, the world opens up in ways you’d never think possible.”
Individuals $708K
In-Kind $902K
Foundations & Corporations $608K
Federal & State $278K
Cabin Rental $61K
Investment Income $374K
Other Income $191K
Programs $2.3M
Management & General $532K
Fundraising $307K
City Kids Wilderness Project is incredibly grateful to our donor community who sustained their commitment and sought out giving opportunities. A deep and heartfelt thank you to our many donors, whose generous support makes it possible every day for imaginations to be sparked, self-confidence to grow, and wilderness areas to be explored. Your support of City Kids has simply blown us away, and we are so grateful for your continued commitment to our youth.
Corporate & Foundation Partners
Partners who have provided critical grant support to make City Kids programming possible.
Campfire Circle
The Campfire Circle program is an opportunity for individuals to make a powerful and direct impact on our community and youth that we serve.
Key Partners
Partners who have helped provide resources and expertise that propel City Kids’ mission forward.
Consider making a donation today to provide enriching outdoor experiences for DC youth and to help redefine the way we think about learning and growing.